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序号 刊名 ISSN 频率
1 Journal of the History of Philosophy. 0022-5053 4
2 Shipping Intelligence Weekly. 1358-8028 50
3 Pacific Maritime Magazine. 0741-7586 12
4 Sea Breezes. 0036-9977 12
5 IHS Maritime Fairplay, with IHS Maritime Technology. 2054-815X 24
6 Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly. 0306-2945 4
7 Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs. 1836-6503 4
8 Lloyd's Loading List. 0144-6681 52
9 World Oil Tanker Trends. 0049-8157 2
10 Transport Policy. 0967-070X 8
11 Shipping Statistics and Market Review. (Text in English) 0947-0220 12
12 European Transport Law. 0014-3154 6
13 Time. (Domestic Ed.) 0040-781X 52
14 Reader's Digest. (U.S. Edition) 0034-0375 10
15 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce. 0022-2410 4
16 American Maritime Cases. 0160-6786 11
17 Ocean & Coastal Law Journal. 1046-9680 2
18 University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal. 1061-3331 2
19 Journal of International Maritime Law, The. 1478-8586 6
20 Interactive Technology and Smart Education. 1741-5659 4
21 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 0929-6174 4
22 Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 0165-0114 24
23 Discrete Mathematics. 0012-365X 12
24 Computational Geometry. 0925-7721 9
25 European Journal of Operational Research. 0377-2217 24
26 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 0378-4754 12
27 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 0020-7462 10
28 International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research. 1064-2277 6
29 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 0961-5539 8
30 Journal of Fluids and Structures. 0889-9746 8
31 Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 0143-8166 12
32 Journal of Luminescence. 0022-2313 12
33 Electrochimica Acta. 0013-4686 36
34 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 0584-8547 12
35 GPS World.(Global Positioning System) 1048-5104 12
36 Bulletin of Marine Science. 0007-4977 4
37 Ocean Engineering. 0029-8018 18
38 Marine Policy. 0308-597X 12
39 Applied Ocean Research. 0141-1187 5
40 Journal of Hazardous Materials. 0304-3894 20
41 Optical Materials. 0925-3467 12
42 Water Environment Research. 1061-4303 12
43 Water & Wastewater Treatment. 1759-5932 12
44 Marine Pollution Bulletin. 0025-326X 24
45 Chemosphere. 0045-6535 24
46 Marine Environmental Research. 0141-1136 10
47 Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power; Transactions of the ASME. 0742-4795 12
48 Journal of Power Sources. 0378-7753 28
49 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 0955-5986 6
50 COMPEL; The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. 0332-1649 6
51 Information and Computation. 0890-5401 6
52 Automatica. 0005-1098 12
53 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 1071-5819 6
54 Sensor Review. 0260-2288 4
55 Journal of Process Control. 0959-1524 12
56 Control Engineering Practice. 0967-0661 12
57 Systems & Control Letters. 0167-6911 12
58 Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 0924-4247 16
59 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 0925-4005 16
60 Graphical Models. 1524-0703 6
61 Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 1077-3142 12
62 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 0743-7315 12
63 Computer-Aided Design. 0010-4485 12
64 Database and Network Journal. 0265-4490 6
65 Online Information Review. 1468-4527 7
66 Engineering Computations. 0264-4401 8
67 Expert Systems with Applications. 0957-4174 24
68 Internet Research. 1066-2243 5
69 Decision Support Systems. 0167-9236 12
70 Computer Aided Geometric Design. 0167-8396 9
71 Computer Communications. 0140-3664 18
72 Acta Materialia. 1359-6454 20
73 Scripta Materialia. 1359-6462 16
74 Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 0924-0136 12
75 Surface and Coatings Technology. 0257-8972 24
76 Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 1052-6188 6
77 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. 1475-0902 4
78 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 0888-3270 16
79 Diesel Progress North American Edition. 1091-370X 12
80 Journal of Turbomachinery; Transactions of the ASME. 0889-504X 12
81 World Pumps. 0262-1762 11
82 Science and Technology for the Built Environment 2374-4731 8
83 International Journal of Refrigeration. 0140-7007 12
84 Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. 0733-950X 6
85 Navigation. 0028-1522 4
86 Journal of Navigation. 0373-4633 6
87 Transportation Research Parts A, B, C, D, E, F (Combined Subscription). FS00-1035 64
88 Transportation Planning and Technology. 0308-1060 8
89 Containerisation International. 0010-7379 12
90 Journal of Ship Research. 0022-4502 4
91 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Transactions. 0081-1661 1
92 Journal of Ship Production and Design. 2158-2866 4
93 (mt) Marine Technolgy. 2153-4721 4
94 Waterways Jouranl. 0043-1524 52
95 American Shipper.  1074-8350 12
96 Ocean Navigator. 0886-0149 7
97 Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology. 2046-4177 3
98 Maritime Economics & Logistics. 1479-2931 4
99 Safety at Sea International. 0142-0666 12
100 Maritime Policy and Management. 0308-8839 8
101 Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering; Part B: International Journal of Small Craft Technology. 0035-8967 1
102 Ships Monthly. 0037-394X 12
103 Port Engineering Management. 0264-8783 6
104 Marine Professional.   10
105 Seaways. 0144-1019 12
106 Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter. (UK Edition) 0268-0690 24
107 International Bulk Journal. 0260-1087 6
108 Hazardous Cargo Bulletin. 0143-6864 12
109 Shiprepair and Conversion Technology. 0969-0174 4
110 Monthly Shipping Review SSY.   12
111 Port Technology International. 1358-1759 4
112 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 0514-8499 2
113 世界の艦船/Ships of the World.   12
114 Navigation/日本航海学会誌. 0919-9985 2
115 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会会誌(Marine Engineering). 1346-1427 6
116 海と安全. 0912-7437 4
117 水路(季刊). 0287-4660 4
118 Captain(月報). 0911-1956 6
119 海事法研究会誌. 0385-0544 4
120 Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 0948-4280 4
121 WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. (Text in English) 1651-436X 2
122 Assiociation Internationale de Signalisation Maritime. Bulletin/IALA Bulletin.(as Bulletin de l'AISH/IALA Bulletin.) 0373-9090 4
123 Oceanite: The Maritime Magazine of India. 0029-8123 4
124 BIMCO Bulletin. 0901-814X 6
125 International Shipbuilding Progress. 0020-868X 4
126 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 1756-6517 4
127 Polish Maritime Research. 1233-2585 4
128 Magazine Maritime. 0822-4056 4
129 Navigation Newsletter.   4
130 IMO News. (Eng. Ed.) 0253-8199 4
131 Central European Journal of Operations Research. (Text in English) 1435-246X 4
132 International Economics and Economic Policy. 1612-4804 4
133 Law and Critique 0957-8536 3
134 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. (Text in English) 1432-2994 6
135 Mathematical Programming. (Text in English) 0025-5610 12
136 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 0022-3239 12
137 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. (Text in English) 1615-147X 12
138 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1422-6928 4
139 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 0957-4522 12
140 Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 0278-081X 12
141 Requirements Engineering. (Text in English) 0947-3602 4
142 Multimedia Systems. (Text in English) 0942-4962 6
143 Neural Computing and Applications. (Text in English) 0941-0643 8
144 Pattern Analysis and Applications-PAA. (Text in English) 1433-7541 4
145 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0925-9902 6

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